Gospel Meditation: 25th 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
A life-long Catholic friend of mine recently mumbled
to me, “I can’t stand all these converts to the faith.
They’re always rocking the boat.” It surprised me
because he is dedicated to evangelization, and yet he
struggles with openness to new Catholics. It made me
realize how easily I close my heart to those whom I
perceive to be outsiders who become new members of
the Catholic community.
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Meditación del Evangelio: 26º Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario
Nada es más perturbador en la sociedad en que vivimos
que ver que las personas dicen una cosa y hacen
otra. Algo así, como poner una cara para cada
ocasión. En este domingo, estamos llamados a vivir
con humildad y coherencia. Para llegar a ser de
verdad coherentes existe un secreto que la Primera
Lectura de hoy nos recuerda: “Cuando el justo se
aparta de la justicia y comete el mal y por eso muere,
muere por culpa de la injusticia que cometió.
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Invites you to our First Bake Sale and More….
Sunday, October 1, 2023
After 10:30am Holy Mass | 12:30pm Holy Mass
Every First Friday of the Month: October 6th at 7:00pm.---
Blessing of the Animals in Honor of Feast of St. Francis of Assisi.
Saturday, October 7, 2023: 10:00am at Parish Center.
You are welcome to bring your pets.
St. Martha’s Mens Club Fall Garage Sale: Saturday, October 21, 2023 from 7:00am – 2:30pm (Parish Center Parking Lot).
October Sausagefest
We will be Grilling & Serving Sausages from all around the world:
Argentinean | German | Polish | Italian & American Hot Dog.
Stop by and try them all!
Tables $30 Reserve yours at the parish office.
Children & Youth (CCD)
Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults
Open Enrollment.
- Classes Started September 10th.
- Registration will end on September 24th.
Come to learn more about Jesus,
His Church and the Catholic faith.
Join us for the
of the Mass to pray &
worship God.
Questions of The Week Reflect and Respond to Scripture
First Reading:
- Sirach teaches that the Lord desires us to be
forgiving and merciful to each other.
- In doing so, the Lord will show us mercy and
forgiveness in return.
- To whom could you
show mercy and forgiveness this week?
Second Reading:
- Paul instructed the Romans that Jesus was
the Lord of all both the living and the
- How should this reality impact our
daily living?
- Jesus tells the parable of the unforgiving
servant to teach the disciples the importance
of compassion and forgiveness, especially toward
those who sin against you.
- How do you
deal with friends or co-workers who have
wronged you?
Registración de Educacion Religiosa
Niños & Jovenes (CCD)
Ritos de Iniciación Cristiana para Adultos
Inscripciónes Abiertas.
- Clases comenzaron 10 de Septiembre.
- Inscripciones Terminarán en Septiembre 24.
Preguntas de la Semana Reflexionar y Responder
de la Escritura
Primera Lectura:
- Sirácides enseña que el Señor desea que
seamos compasivos y misericordiosos unos
con otros.
- Al hacerlo, el Señor nos mostrará
misericordia y perdón a cambio.
- ¿A quién
podrías mostrar misericordia y perdón esta
Segunda Lectura:
- Pablo instruyó a los romanos que Jesús era
el Señor de todos, tanto de los vivos como de
los muertos.
- ¿Cómo debería impactar esta
realidad a nuestro diario vivir?
- Jesús cuenta la parábola del siervo que no
perdona para enseñar a los discípulos la
importancia de la compasión y el perdón,
especialmente hacia aquellos que pecan
contra ti.
- ¿Cómo lidias con amigos o
compañeros de trabajo que te han hecho
In celebration of our 65th Anniversary,
the Archdiocese of Miami will be hosting the following special events:
65TH ANNIVERSARY MASS Saturday, October 7, 2023 - 5:30pm at
The Cathedral of St. Mary
SOLEMN VESPERS Pontifical & Archdiocesan Honor Sunday, October 22, 2023 - 5:00pm at The Cathedral of St. Mary
GALA & CONCERT Saturday, November 11, 2023 - 6:30pm at Miami Beach Convention Center
Special Concert Performance by the legendary musical group (Earth Wind & Fire)
For more information contact (305) 762-1051 or [email protected]
The Purpose of the Elijah Cup Ministry (Vocational Cup) is to
encourage the families to Pray together and promote Vocations
to the Priesthood and Religious Life.
Scan QR Code or call to sign up for the Cup Sunday 8:30 English, 10:30 English or
12:30 Spanish Masses.
Knights of Columbus St. Martha Council
Elijah Cup Ministry
Jose Menendez – Grand Knight (917) 417-1697.
Copa Vocacional
El Proposito del Ministerio de la Copa de Elias (Copa Vocacional)
es alentar a las familias para Rezar juntas y promover las
Vocaciones al Sacerdocio y a la Vida Religiosa.
Escanee el codigo QR o llame para inscribirse en las Misas para llevarse la Copa
Domingo 8:30 en Ingles, 10:30 en Ingles o 12:30 Español.
Knights of Columbus St. Martha Council
Ministerio Copa de Elias
Jose Menendez – Grand Knight (917) 417-1697.
We Are Inviting to Join Us
Altar Servers Ministry: Older Than 9 Years Old and Has Received the First Holy Communion.
Contact The Parish Office (305) 751-0005.
ADOM Daily Mass |
Monday to Friday |
11:45 AM |
Church |
Knights of Columbus |
Every 2nd Tuesday |
7:00pm - 9:00pm |
Parish Center |
Emaus Mujeres |
2do Martes |
7:00pm |
Parish Center Yamileth |
Grupo Carismático |
Jueves |
7:00pm - 9:00pm |
Centro Parroquial |
Matrimonios en Victoria |
Jueves |
7:30pm - 9:30pm |
Salon "E" |
Men's Club |
Every 3rd Thursday / 3ro Jueves |
7:30pm - 9:00pm |
Parish Center / Centro Parroquial Michael Lemme |
Bilingual Rosary / Rosario Bilíngue |
Every 1st Saturday / 1ro Sábado |
7:45am |
Church / Iglesia |
If you would like to request a mass
intention for someone, please feel free to
go to our Parish Office.
Office Hours:
- Monday - 1:00pm to 4:30pm
- Tuesday to Friday - 9:00am to 4:30pm
Or call (305) 751-0005
Prayer to Respect
Dear Lord,
What a gift You have
given in every
human life.
Inspire us to respect
Your handiwork
in every human we
Embolden us to protect the dignity
of the most
vulnerable members
of society.
Oración para
Respetar la Vida
Querido Señor,
Qué regalo has dado
en cada vida humana.
Inspíranos a respetar
Tu obra
en cada ser humano
que encontramos.
Anímanos a proteger
la dignidad
de los miembros más
vulnerables de la